
Showing posts with the label Commercial washroom products

The Hygiene Revolution: How Hand Dryers are Changing the Way We Dry Our Hands

Hand hygiene is more important than ever in our current world, and hand dryers play a crucial role in keeping our hands clean and germ-free. Traditional paper towels and cloth towels can be breeding grounds for bacteria, but hand dryers offer a hygienic and efficient alternative. In this blog post, we'll discuss how to hand dryers are leading the charge in the hygiene revolution. High-Speed Air Flow: Hand dryers use high-speed air flow to quickly and effectively dry hands, reducing the amount of time hands are exposed to potentially contaminated surfaces. This helps to minimize the spread of germs and bacteria. Energy Efficiency:  Automatic Hand dryers are highly energy-efficient, reducing energy costs and helping to minimize their impact on the environment. With their efficient use of energy, hand dryers are a more sustainable option compared to paper towel dispenser and cloth towels. Improved Hygiene: Hand dryers are much more hygienic than traditional towels. They do not re

The Future of Public Washrooms – Dolphy Australia

The hyper-aware users have high expectations for a modern restroom. Especially when it comes to hygiene, safety, and convenience, the bar of standards has been set high. The expectations of the public around convenience, smartness, and functionality have skyrocketed, especially after the rapid increase of the novel virus that caused the global pandemic in recent years. This has made the general public super aware of the importance of safety and hygiene in washrooms while also enabling them to understand the importance of automated washroom amenities. These are the reasons why many residential, as well as commercial washrooms, are working to transform their washroom into their smartest version with the help of smart washroom amenities and appliances. The future expects a lot more than this from the leading hotel product suppliers . This is why today we are highlighting what the users of commercial and public washrooms should expect in the future: Hygiene and safety: The two most ess

The Benefits of Using a Paper Towel Dispenser in Your Business

Hands-free washroom devices and washroom automation have become popular trends in recent years, particularly following the outbreak of the COVID-19 global pandemic. The era of lockdown and the rapid spread of the virus has made us aware of the importance of hygiene and touch-free devices that promote hygiene and cleanliness. This is why every commercial, public, as well as luxurious washroom owner prefers turning their washrooms into totally automatic spaces equipped with washroom automation and touch-free devices, promoting a touch-free yet seamless washroom experience.  Even minor physical contact can increase the chances of a germ being contaminated instantly and in ways, we can't even imagine. Following the fundamental importance of touch-free devices in both public and commercial restrooms, many restroom accessory manufacturers have introduced automatic paper towel dispensers for both public and commercial restrooms. In this article, we are going to get a thorough insight int

Best Hotel Amenities Supplier Company | Dolphy Australia

Hotels are necessary for tourists and people who spend a few days outside their hometown. Thus, to make their stay exquisite and luxurious, the hotel managers must arrange for the best amenities to make their experience in the hotel better than they had expected. Below are some amenities that hotel owners can install to make them look fancier and more luxurious. Essential amenities to install in hotels Automatic hand dryer: An automatic hand dryer is a necessity these days. With so many protests and laws against paper waste, everything is becoming paperless. Thus, to wipe hands, instead of tissues or pre-used towels, hotel managers should install automatic hand dryers. This also increases the technical ratings of the hotel. Automatic hand sanitizer dispensers: Since the COVID-19 outbreak, sanitizers have been necessary for everyone’s lives. Masks and sanitizers have become like clothes and water, which every person needs. Thus, you must add innovative versions of trending things to ma